Sunday, March 22, 2009

Coming to an end...

Dear 'Canes:

How quickly has the time passed? It feels as if it were just yesterday that we began serving you. But, here we are almost a year later and the transition to the next group of SG Leadership has begun.

It has truly been an outstanding experience and a privilege to serve you. We have worked on many projects that we hope will continue to benefit you. We currently have five ZipCars on campus with plans to expand the fleet this semester. Rent your ZipCar for only $8 per hour by clicking here, best of all gas and insurance is included...and you only have to be 18+. Also, Starbucks is open later on Sundays, the parking lot by the Wellness Center is all-access, register for classes online now, UBikes are available at the bookstore for only $69, the Health Center is open on Sundays from 12-4pm, the Latin Honor policy was revised thanks to the Senate and there is a recycling bin next to nearly every trash can on campus thanks to GreenU. We also continue to work on our promise to improve advising. A proposal has been presented to the Deans and SG will continue to move forward with the project this coming year with the information that we received from you through the Advising Survey.

It has been some year and we are very excited for what is to come. From the "Committed To U" team, we would like to congratulate the newly elected SG leaders for 2009-10. We know that Lionel, Kristen, Jeremy, Christina and Amy will do an outstanding job and we wish them the very best!

Brandon, Claudia, Sha and the "Committed to U" team!


Friday, January 9, 2009

Spring '09

Dear 'Canes:

Happy New Year and welcome back! The Spring 2009 semester is here and we are very excited for what is in store. Throughout the Fall semester we have worked on completing many projects that impact you. From ZipCar to extended dining hours to more commuter parking by the Wellness Center and UBikes all over campus, we have worked very hard to make our University that much better. Coming into 2009 we have many goals and are already working on several projects. The ZipCar program has expanded by the addition of two more vehicles at Mahoney/Pearson, 300 more UBikes are on their way and we continue to work on ESPNU, online registration, improved advising, our GreenU promises and much more! Click here for an update on all of our projects. We will continue to update our Initiatives page throughout the semester to keep you informed.

Also, elections are coming up! If you are interested in running for the Executive Board or for Senate please check back soon for more information.

Lastly, from the beginning the most important thing is hearing from you. Our Campus Involvement Committee: "Keeping The Commitment" will be asking to come and speak with several student organizations about how SG can continue to serve you. We will also hold several "Speak Up, Speak Out" events all over campus to get feedback from you. Let us know how we can continue to serve you! The promises are being kept but we have to do more to continue to serve you best. Please let us know how we can do that.

Go 'Canes!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy New Year!

Dear 'Canes:

How quickly has the time passed? We have seen a lot happen during these short few months and here we are saying goodbye to 2008 and ringing in the New Year. Throughout the Fall semester we have worked on completing many projects that impact you. From ZipCar to extended dining hours to more commuter parking by the Wellness Center and UBikes all over campus, we have worked very hard to make our University that much better. Coming into 2009 we have many goals and are already working on several projects. The ZipCar program will be expanded by the addition of two more vehicles, 300 more UBikes are on their way and we continue to work on ESPNU, online registration, improved advising, our GreenU promises and much more! Click here for an update on all of our projects. We will continue to update our Initiatives page throughout the spring semester to keep you informed.

But as it has been from the beginning, the most important thing is hearing from you. Our Campus Involvement Committee: "Keeping The Commitment" will be asking to come and speak with several student organizations about how SG can continue to serve you. We will also hold several "Speak Up, Speak Out" events all over campus to get feedback from you. Let us know how we can continue to serve you! The promises are being kept but we have to do more to continue to serve you best. Please let us know how we can do that.

All of us at Student Government wish you a happy holiday and a successful new year. See you in 2009!

Go 'Canes!

Brandon Gross
Student Government

Monday, November 10, 2008

November Already?

Dear 'Canes:

Where has the semester gone? We have seen a lot happen during these short few months and here we are, already in November. SG is continuing to work on completing many projects that impact you. ZipCar is here and we are in the process on expanding the fleet to add more cars! The dining hours are extended to 9:30pm on Mon-Thurs and Starbucks is now open until 10pm on Sundays. Parking by the Wellness Center is all-access, UBikes are all over campus (with another 300 bikes coming next semester) and we are still working on ESPNU, online registration, improved advising, our GreenU promises and much more! Click here for an update on all of our projects. We will continue to update our Initiatives page throughout the semester.

The most important thing is hearing from you. Our Campus Involvement Committee: "Keeping The Commitment" will be asking to come and speak with several student organizations about how SG can continue to serve you. We will also hold several "Speak Up, Speak Out" events all over campus to get feedback from you. Let us know how we can continue to serve you! The promises are being kept but we have to do more to continue to serve you best. Please let us know how we can do that.

If you are going home for the Thanksgiving Break sign up for free transportation to the airport. Click here to reserve your spot today!

Go 'Canes!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Dear 'Canes:

It's time to Get Out The Vote! Election Day is coming up on Tuesday, 11/4. Make sure to vote at the BankUnited Center, we can make the difference! We have had a great lecture series this year with outstanding speakers as a part of the "Dialogue for Democracy." Throughout the semester the university explored key issues driving the upcoming presidential election. It is important that we make our voice heard and VOTE!

On another note, SG is continuing to work on completing many projects that impact you. ZipCar is here, dining hours are extended to 9:30pm on Mon-Thurs, Starbucks is now open until 10pm on Sundays, the parking lot by the Wellness Center is all-access, UBikes are all over campus and we are still working on ESPNU, online registration, improved advising, our GreenU promises and much more! Click here for an update on all of our projects. We will continue to update our Initiatives page throughout the semester.

We also want to hear from you. Our Campus Involvement Committee: "Keeping The Commitment" will be asking to come and speak with several student organizations about how SG can continue to serve you. We will also hold several "Speak Up, Speak Out" events all over campus to get feedback from you. Let us know how we can continue to serve you!

Go 'Canes!


Monday, October 13, 2008


Dear 'Canes:

Welcome to the most spirited and exciting time of the year...Homecoming! There is a great schedule planned for this year including Opening Ceremonies, Alma Mater, the Parade, an concert from N.E.R.D. and of course Hurricane Howl and Alumni Ave. It all culminates in the Homecoming game against Wake Forest on Oct. 25 at Dolphin Stadium. Make sure you get to as many events as possible because this is the best time to be a Miami Hurricane!

On another note, Election Day is coming up on November 4. Make sure to vote at the BankUnited Center, we can make the difference! We have had great guest speakers as a part of the "Dialogue for Democracy." Throughout the semester the university will explore key issues driving the upcoming presidential election.On that note, there are a few vacant senate seats within SG that are open for interviews. Please visit Get Involved to apply! If you didn't get your free 20% Off coupon to Denny's during SG elections, click here to print it out!

SG is continuing to work on completing many projects that impact you. ZipCar is here, dining hours are extended to 9:30pm on Mon-Thurs, Starbucks is now open until 10pm on Sundays, the parking lot by the Wellness Center is all-access, UBikes are all over campus and we are still working on ESPNU, online registration, improved advising, our GreenU promises and much more! Click here for an update on all of our projects. We will continue to update our Initiatives page throughout the semester.

We also want to hear from you. Our Campus Involvement Committee: "Keeping Our Commitment" will be asking to come and speak with several student organizations about how SG can continue to serve you. We will also hold several "Speak Up, Speak Out" events all over campus to get feedback from you. Let us know how we can continue to serve you!

Go 'Canes!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Campaign Season...

Dear 'Canes:

A month into the semester already and we've already had a great start to the year. With great speakers including presidential candidate Barack Obama, the university is really preparing us for the upcoming elections. They hope to bring John McCain before the election as well. This series is all part of the "Dialogue for Democracy" where throughout the semester the university will explore key issues driving the upcoming presidential election. Don't forget to register to vote! October 6th is the last day to register in Florida!

Speaking of elections, Senate elections for Student Government are taking place from Mon. 9/22 through Wed. 9/24. Results will be announced at the Rat Wed. 9/24 at 5:00 p.m. Please be sure to stop by the UC Breezeway to vote for your representatives. Everyone that votes will receive a 20% Off coupon to Denny's!

SG is continuing to work on completing many projects that impact you. ZipCar is here, dining hours are extended to 9:30pm on Mon-Thurs, the parking lot by the Wellness Center is all-access, UBikes are all over campus and we are still working on ESPNU, online registration, improved advising, our GreenU promises and much more! Click here for an update on all of our projects. We will continue to update our Initiatives page throughout the semester.

We also want to hear from you. Our Campus Involvement Committee will be asking to come and speak with several student organizations about how SG can continue to serve you. We will also hold several "Speak Up, Speak Out" events all over campus to get feedback from you.

Go 'Canes!